
One Month To Go!

Quick update!

I'm going to do March for Babies for Walk of Dimes this Saturday, a few classmates and my cousin Maria are going with me to try to raise money for NICU babies.  If you would like to donate, the money goes to a great cause!

I will have a new classmate starting in the fall, Jenna took a year off for cancer, but is in remission now- hooray!  She had a rockband party at her house a week ago that was a lot of fun!
Jenna, Kelsey, Shaylee, me, Maria, Lauren, Angela, Brittany, Rebecca, Randi and Kaitlyn in for a night of rockband!
I also got suckered into helping my friend Kathryn sell Thirty-One stuff... here is a picture of us at a fundraiser for Justin Smith, a friend with colon cancer.
Kathryn and I all dressed up to sell Thirty-One... I'll stick with jeans and boots :)
I hope everyone is doing well, just one month until summer is here!!  I will be working as a nurse intern on the oncology floor at Memorial Medical Center in Springfield... I can't wait!


April Fools!

Happy April Fool's Day!  I hope everyone had a fun day of jokes on friends.  I was able to convince my brother I bought a horse.  I also went 50/50 on convincing 8 friends that I would be transferring back to UW in the fall (I wish!)  Back to catching up...

I went back to Colorado for Spring Break in the beginning of March.  I skiied with the Dea's and on my own- we even had a powder day!  I got to meet my friend's 6 week old twins, ride Landi, and to see the new condo in Grand Lake.  Then I went up to Wyoming and the fun continued!  I rode six horses, saw countless numbers of friends, and was reminded why I may end up living in a state where it gets to negative fifty with wind chill on a regular basis... people are so nice!  I had a wonderful time and cannot wait for a reunion with friends in May!

Baby Brenna is back home and healthy right now!  Her mom is still updating the blog with updates and she is getting cuter everyday!  My latest pray-for-person is Justin Smith, he is the brother of a girl I met at a friend's and has stage 4 cancer, I went to a benefit for him this weekend and it was really successful, so here is hoping he fights it off!

School is busy as ever, the seniors are wrapping things up and we are all ready for summer!  At spring break my clinicals switched.  Now I am on the cardiac floor as well as the pediatrics floor.  Cardiac is not as exciting as I hoped, so it is on the only work there if I have to list.  I absolutely love the pediatrics floor so far, so that is bumping up the list as an option for a future career!  I've also had the opportunity to shadow a NICU nurse and observe in an OR during clinical.  I enjoyed NICU, but OR is not my thing, the gutty part is cool, I just do not feel a need to memorize the names of a billion different pieces of equipment, some with multiple names depending on their brand!  It was quite the scenario though, my nurse said it was the most complicated hysterectomy she had ever seen... so great experience!  

In the fall I will only have 2 classes!! Unfortunately they are 8 and 6 credit hours a piece for a total of 14.  It should be a nice change from 19 though :) Then I will wrap things up with 13 credits in spring of 2013, and no big changes in my life pending, will graduate!  It is a so-close-but-so-far dream right now, so I will continue the "nursing student schedule" of living literally week by week to ensure assignments are in on time and I am fully prepared for each week.  

I hope everything is going well for you!  If you are in Colorado/Wyoming, I will be visiting May 16-30th and would love to see you, if not, send me an email or call to catch up :)