Here is a quick re-cap of 2010 for me:
January- Start second semester at UW. Continue the Stock Show tradition of attending the Gambler's Choice with my mom, Kristen, Jess, Katie and Sara.
February- Ride in IHSA horse shows.
March- Spring break at home.

April- UW Equestrian Team was the winner of our IHSA Region! I attended prom at Chapparral.

May- Finished first year at UW. Took a CNA class at LCCC in Cheyenne.
June-August- Worked my second summer at Winding River Resort in Grand Lake, CO.

Grandma turned 80!!
And the girls decorated our Marine cousin Alex's bedroom as a surprise.

September- Brought "my own" horse to college, Buttercup from WRR spent first semester in Laramie with me.

Went to a benefit show back in Colorado.

October- I began working with Brendan as a state respite care provider.

Dressed up with Bea as Fire and Ice from Blades of Glory for Halloween.
-Awesome outfits custom made by Mrs. Hopp!
November- We got our amazing team coats from Murdochs.

I competed in my first Western show.

December- 5 days of skiing at Breckenridge, Keystone, and Winter Park. Christmas with the Monark's. Snowmobiling up in Grand Lake.
Belated Merry Christmas to everyone, have a Happy 2011! Let me know how everything is going for you!