One of my friends showed me this picture and it made my day, it is so true for Laramie!
Wow so I haven’t written here in forever because I was trying to wait for pictures from Ian… but he’s been busy so I’ll write now and add pictures later! I got back up to UW January 11th for a full load of 18 credits. My classes this semester are anatomy, anatomy lab, nutrition, human lifespan and development, physical activity and health, horsemanship, public speaking, and theater. I love anatomy, but nutrition is not my forte. Public speaking, theater, and horsemanship are pretty much a waste of time, but eh, I have to take them to graduate, so why not get it over with?
I went to the Gambler’s Choice at the National Western Stock Show with my mom, Kristen, Jess, Katie, Sara, and Brianna January 15th. It was a lot of fun continuing the stock show traditions and Karen Cudmore won to make it great!
January 23-24 I was in Omaha, NE for a horse show. It was a great show with UW placing high point and I placed 6th in flat and 2nd over fences.
Beginning with super bowl weekend, a group of us from the team started a weekly dinner tradition at Jess’s house. It is really nice to have a break from the cafeteria food and just hang out with friends!
Valentine’s weekend was our CU horse show, it was the last regular season show. UW beat CU by 1 point to get high point team of the region which means we will get to send a team to zones in Texas in April! I’m super excited for that. I placed 4th in flat at CU and loved the horse I rode, Mia. Also, because we won regionals, The Branding Iron came to a practice to take our pictures and we were in the local newspaper! <-Jazzy and I at practice
February 20th the team helped the Collegiate Horseman’s Association run a nationally recognized barrel race that drew people from all over Wyoming and Colorado. In return, they helped us with our schooling show on the 28th where we raised more than $750 to go towards getting us to zones and nationals if we make it.
It has been a super busy semester so far, but I have loved it! I have begun looking at places to live next year and the search for roommates. It finally is warming up here- we have hit 40 degrees twice this week and are breaking out the t-shirts, shorts, and flip flops! I am looking forward to spring break from March 13-21 and hope to get up to the mountains for at least part of it :)