So here it is, my first blog! I decided that rather than sporadically sending emails and pictures, I will just post them up here :). Well it is Monday (ugh) which meant 8:00am nursing class which entailed a 15 minute walk in what I like to call the arctic tundra (good old Wyoming fails at snow removal... they prefer to "polish the snow" with a large brushing machine which really just exposes the ice- I've seen some awesome falls, and lends to everyone walking in the foot and a half deep snow rather than chancing it on the ice. Oh and yeah arctic tundra also includes the part where it was 3 degrees outside at 8 this morning!) All is well now though because the sun came out! In a few days we'll be living on the beach again with weather in the 30s and sand EVERYWHERE because the solution to the ice is sand... lots of sand. Well, you just have to appreciate it!
There is riding practice tonight at 7:00pm. We are all planning on bundling up like boy in A Christmas Story and hoping to stay somewhat warm.
The end.
*Photo "there are some kinds of moments that take your breath away" credit to Becca Skinner.